If you’ve updated to Sitter 3.0, you probably noticed a few changes! With all of the gorgeous changes that were made to the layout of the app, you may have missed the most exciting part: instant payments! We are thrilled to roll out this awesome feature for our sitters. There are three things you need to know about instant payments:

It is faster than traditional bank payouts.
Traditionally, bank payouts can take up to 2-3 business days to process. With instant payments, you will receive your payment in literally minutes.

If you want to receive instant payments, all you’ll need to do is enter your debit card information.
Before, your payments would go directly into your bank account using your account and routing number. You can still use this method, but it will take 2-3 days to process. By entering your debit card information, you will be paid instantly. We will never charge your card without your permission first, and you information is always safe with us and our third party processor, Stripe.

It’s that simple!
You input your information, book babysitting jobs, and get paid instantly. We take care of all of the hard stuff so that you can get to spending your hard earned money.

At Sitter, we know how hard you work for your money, so we could not be more excited to roll this option out for our babysitters! Get out there, get paid, and stay awesome!


Do you have any suggestions you’d like to share with us? Tweet us at @SitterMe using the #SitterTipTuesday.